Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Overtime Blues

First, I would like to offer kudos to Third Ward Alderman Charlie Landi. Landi, a long time
vet of many common council budgets, has suggested cutting some of the city overtime by about 20%. This, would drop the tax percent increase by 1 percentage point. And, as the Democrats
on the council have figured out, will save the taxpayers pain. The Kingston Police [who are the
best] do run up a lot of overtime. If, I am correct one detective collected thousands of dollars
in OT, from what I heard it was in the 50 K area [I might be wrong on that, if I am please correct me]. But, again Landi is doing a good job. It is easy to yell at council meeting, go on
public access and put Sottile down, have a protest in front of city hall. Anyone, has that right.
But actions is what matters. Again, where is the GOP budget? The voters want to know.

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