Monday, November 24, 2008

Would Someone Please Primary Carl?

What do John F. Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey, Jimmy Carter, Ed Koch and Mario Cuomo all have in common? They were all once in the living room of a fellow by the
name of Meade Esposito. Who is Meade Esposito you ask? Esposito, was the long time Chairman
of the Kings County Democratic Party. If one wanted to win a primary in NYS you would have to carry Brooklyn by a large margin, as Brooklyn to this day has the largest amount of Democrats then any place in the U.S.A. Meade, would be rolling around in his grave if he saw what was going on in his county. It looks like one NYS Senator really gets along with Republicans so much
he is the only Democrat to have a chairmanship under Joe Bruno. He got more ear mark's
then any other Democrat. And now, he is one of the 'Gang of Three' in Albany who may deny
Sen. Malcom Smith and the rest of the Democrats from being able to return to the majority for the first time since 1965. Who is this Senator? It is none other then Carl Kruger of Brooklyn.
Why would Sen. Kruger who is a long time Democrat do this you ask? Well, it would appear that
he wants the chairmanship of the powerful Housing Committee, the only problem is that he is not the ranking member. Also, Kruger has taken 1.7 million from anti -regulation, pro landlord
groups that have funded the GOP. There is another problem. The NYS Working Families Party
has said there will be 'hell to pay' If the Democrats cave to Carl. The WFP did provide the winning total to a least two Democratic State Senator's in Western N.Y. So what to do? If Kruger
does not get what he wants he may support a GOP majority leader, which would lead to a Republican housing committee. In my view, this is wrong, wrong, wrong. How could anyone hold
up a process, a party that has done so much for you? Well, you know the answer. My advise
to Vito Lopez, the Current Democratic Chair of Brooklyn? Start looking for a primary opponent
for Carl for 2010. It's Brooklyn.... He should not have to much trouble in finding a good Democrat
it's Brooklyn for heaven's sake.

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