Monday, December 22, 2008

My Advise For Caroline Kennedy

I like Caroline Kennedy.

As my loyal readers may remember I have endorsed Kristin Gillibrand for the open US Senate
Seat, and I stand by that endorsement.

But, New Yorkers have always liked the the bright and the famous to represent them in the
Senate, and one cannot be more famous then a Kennedy.

A week ago, I would have said this is a done deal for Caroline, with the money, name and a new
friend in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. But, this is New York as anyone who has ever followed NYS
Politics.... It's tough. And, It is hands on, and the worse thing that can happen to Caroline is that
she is compared with Sarah Palin, which in my view is just silly.

OK.... Caroline..... You said you want this? This is what I think you need to do. #1 Say you are in this for the long hall, If Paterson does not appoint you that is fine, but you need to take this to a Democratic Primary in 2010 no matter who the Governor Appoints. If between now and September of that year if you have to attend the Yates County Democratic Pig Roast this summer.. So be it.

#2 Call all 52 Democratic County Chairs and ask for support. While you are at it I would advise her to contact all 250 State Democratic Committee People. It also would not hurt if Caroline was
to contact every Democratic City Chair..... Like Buffalo, Rome, Syracuse, well you get my drift.

As I am 0-1 I am not going to call this one. But, this will get interesting. That is my advise Caroline and it was on the house!

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