Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Return Of Liz?

It was a bit surprising to me to pick up the newspaper the other day to find out that Former
US Rep Liz Holtzman contacted Governor Paterson and requested she would like to be considered for the soon to be open US Senate Seat. In a way, I was glad that she would like to serve again. It seemed only like a few years ago I remember injecting 'Holtzman for Senate'
flyer's into the local papers when I had a route......Boy, That was 1980! At the time, Liz was running in the Democratic Primary against Former N.Y.C. Mayor John Lindsay, Former Miss
America Bess Meyerson and Queens DA Robert Santucci. At that time I remember all four came
to Woodstock to take part in a debate on a small radio station with the call letter's WDST. By
September Holtzman was able to win the primary. Then it was on to a three way race where
she faced Incumbent Senator Jacob Javitz who lost the Republican Primary to a little known
Supervisor from Long Island named Al D'Amato. The only problem for Liz was that Javitz still
had the Liberal Party Endorsement, put that together with the fact that Carter-Mondale lost
NYS to Reagan-Bush..... But, If my ageing memory banks serve me well, Liz ran ahead of the
ticket. To this day I am still mad at my parents voted for Jake Javitz.

Most likely, Governor Paterson will not appoint Liz Holtzman to the seat. But, if I was in Dave's
shoes, I would keep the phone line open.

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