Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pam Anderson..Lobbyist

Well, With everything that has gone on in the last few weeks, the terrorist attack in India,
The Stock Market Problems, Only to name a few, it is quite relieving to know that Pamela
Lee Anderson has taken time out to write to President-Elect Obama and Advocate for the
Legalization of Marijuana. Pam stated in the letter that Pot is good for the environment
and some people. Now, I must admit I am a fan of Pam's but I have to disagree with her on both issues. In my view, weed is bad. It kills a heck of a lot of brain cells. The only reason I would ever
be in favor of the use is for medical reason's.....Under the direction of a Doctor. But, I give Pam
a lot of credit for using the power of the pen and making her beliefs known to Obama. There is no word if Pam will hit the airwaves to promote her views. The only rumor that I heard is that
Jeremy Blaber has offered to have Pam on his public access TV show. No word from Ms. Anderson if she accepted.

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